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Day of Ascension

Today we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord!

For forty days following His resurrection, Jesus continued to be present in the lives of the disciples. He continued to walk with them and talk with them and prepare them for what was to come – the fulfilling of God’s mission – to become disciples and to make disciples!

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 29.19-20)

We have a task before us – to make disciples of all people. We need to grow into who God has created us to be, so that we can do what God has called us to do. We each have a purpose and a place in the body. For forty more days, Jesus invested in the disciples and continued to affirm them, teach them, and prepare them. He knew their need to grow and be transformed into the people we know them as.

We are all works in progress. We are all growing into the fullness of the masterpiece he is creating within us – that is our life. God is growing us as disciples so we can make disciples, just as he did those disciples he walked with, 2000 years ago. We cannot underestimate the presence and power of the Holy Spirit who is with us. The Holy Spirit is key.

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1.8)

Jesus’ ministry was filled with power – Holy Spirit power. The book of Acts provides many examples of women and men filled with Holy Spirit power and accomplishing great things. We have the same potential and promise as did the Apostles, and the wonderful examples we see throughout history.

2000 years ago, the apostles had the boldness and courage to change the world. Martin Luther had courage to change the world; John Wesley had courage to change the world; Martin Luther King Jr. had courage to change the world. In ten days, we will celebrate Pentecost – the day the Holy Spirit was given to all people without exclusion or limitation. The Holy Spirit has always been the wind beneath the wings of the amazing people of God. Are you ready for the Spirit-filled, bold, and courageous life?

We cannot do life alone. We were never meant to. We have the Holy Spirit with us. God has given the Holy Spirit to all people. We live in a time we call the last days; yet somehow The Church doesn’t seem powerful, as compared to what we read in the book of Acts.

Individually and as The Church, doing life without the Presence and power of the Holy Spirit is a tough journey. We are like a car without a motor – a sailboat without wind. The Holy Spirit is the wind we need. For the Body of Christ to thrive, all need to participate. All need to give of their time, treasure, and talent. Would you please join me in praying over your giving – time, talent, and treasure, and make the commitment to, “give all you can, in all the ways you can, at all the times you can...” We will receive a special offering in honor of Pentecost – an under-celebrated day in The Church (we are changing that). Make a gift to the glory of God. Ask what you can do for your church to use your talent and time. Let’s invest in God and celebrate big!

We have the same potential as did Jesus and the apostles. We have the same Holy Spirit presence and power. We are amazing people of God. The Holy Spirit is given, and we have an amazing potential. I pray that you walk in step with the Holy Spirit – in presence and power and grow into the masterpiece that is being recreated within you. Give your whole self to King and kingdom. Together, we will change the world!

Be blessed to be a blessing,


Space Coast Christian Fellowship Church | Merritt Island, FL
© 2021 Space Coast Christian Fellowship.  All Rights Reserved.
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